5 Reasons To Date Someone Who Is More Mature than You

Of all the problems that couples face, the age difference in a relationship is something you should not worry about. Older or younger: It shouldn't make much of a difference and may even help.

Of course, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to the age of their partner, but I highly recommend dating someone a little older than you.

Almost everyone I've dated has been with me for at least a few years. And work. Although, to be honest, the older you get, the less difference you'll see, there's still something really cool about meeting someone who's a bit further away.

I mean, at least they can cook better than me most of the time. That's how I learned that you shouldn't microwave scrambled eggs (and you really shouldn't).

So listen to me. Here are five reasons to date an older women:

1. Maturity

Dating Older Women

Someone who is (hopefully) a bit older has reached a certain maturity during this time. And that usually means a bit of perspective.

Do you know all the things you overreacted and were embarrassed about when you were 15?

Well, you're probably doing the same thing right now in a way that will make you shake your head 10 years from now.

That's natural, but it's nice to have someone who's been around longer and can show you that you don't worry about the little things.

2. They have experience

How... recorded? Or pay the water bill? Put futons?

If you've been around a bit longer, you're more likely to run into this roadblock a few times and it can help you point the way.

Growing up is the hardest part, so having someone show you the ropes isn't a bad thing.

3. Skills

Dating Older Women

This comes at a different time for everyone, but most people get into nasty intercourse at some point and start unabashedly becoming who they want to be.

This means better intercourse for both of you because you can stop being so precious and sensitive about what you do in bed and focus more on making sure you're both having a really good time.

4. Only one of you is in a fourth life crisis at a time.

The good thing about either of you getting older is (maybe) a little more than you've been together. There may be some benefit to both of you saying, "WHAT am I doing?

Oh, you don't even know, OK, OK!", but someone calmer can keep them grounded. We all turn 20 in some way, but if it's already done, this is a good reminder, everything will be fine.

5. Age is just a number

The truth is that it depends on the person. The above reasons may apply to most people, but that doesn't mean they apply to your partner.

Age is nothing more than a number (a number that shows how close a person is to death). But people really do grow and mature at different rates.

Even if someone is 10 years older, they may be that age emotionally or just be in the same place in their life.

See how you feel and don't stress about birthdays in a few years.


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